Make Yourself Available to God
Have you ever been asked to take on a task at church but felt inadequate—lacking the education, experience, or skills to do it? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have felt the urge to tell God, “I’m not the right person for this.” Yet, the Lord often works through those the world considers unqualified, proving His power in the process.
God’s Unlikely Choices
God doesn’t seek the strongest, most talented, or most influential individuals to accomplish His work. Instead, He often uses ordinary people to fulfill extraordinary purposes. Why?
- To show the world its wisdom is foolishness. Accomplishing great things through those who seem weak or unimpressive reveals that true power comes from God, not human ability.
- To eliminate boasting. When God works through our weakness, it’s clear that the glory belongs to Him, not us. We have no power to save ourselves or to serve Him apart from His strength and guidance.
Biblical Examples of God Using the Unqualified
- Moses: When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses objected, claiming he wasn’t eloquent enough (Exodus 4:10-13). Yet God empowered him to confront Pharaoh and lead a nation to freedom.
- David: As a young shepherd with no experience in warfare, David faced the giant Goliath. Armed only with a sling and a stone, he triumphed—not through his own strength but through faith in God (1 Samuel 17:45-50).
God’s Call to You
God isn’t impressed by natural talent or worldly qualifications. He’s looking for humble, willing hearts that depend fully on Him. If you’re a believer, your age, experience, or perceived limitations don’t disqualify you from His work. The key is to make yourself available.
- Depend on Christ: Trust that His power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
- Obey His call: Be willing to step out in faith, even when you feel unprepared.
- Surrender your abilities: Allow God to use what you have, no matter how small it seems, for His glory.
When you say yes to God, He equips and empowers you for the task He’s assigned. Don’t let fear or feelings of inadequacy hold you back. Remember, the Lord doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
Make yourself available—and watch how God can use you to accomplish His purposes.