Please Wait
The Challenge and Blessing of Patience
Patience is one of the most difficult yet vital lessons in the Christian life. When faced with challenges, our instinct is often to seek quick solutions. Yet, God’s plan for us often includes seasons of waiting, during which He calls us to place our trust in Him and surrender the timing of events to His perfect will.
In Psalm 27:14, David encourages us to “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.” This call to wait is paired with a reminder to draw strength and courage from God. In today’s fast-paced world, where the fear of missing out drives many to act hastily, waiting on God requires both faith and the boldness to resist the urge to move ahead without His direction. Even among believers, there is often a tendency to act impulsively and then ask God to bless those actions, rather than seeking His guidance first and waiting patiently.
Are you seeking God’s direction or provision but feel like you are met with silence? Take comfort in Jesus’ promise in Matthew 6:33, where He assures us that if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, our needs will be met in His time. Waiting on God is far from passive—it is an active period of trust, prayer, and dependence on His promises.
While you wait, pray for His peace to guard your heart and for patience to sustain you. Remember, God’s delays are not denials. They are opportunities for Him to work in ways that far exceed our understanding. Rest in the assurance that in His perfect time, He will fulfill every need according to His will and for His glory.
— Omar Newell

The Christian community today faces several pressing issues
The Christian community today faces several pressing issues that spark widespread discussion and debate. Here are some of the most prominent topics:
- Sexuality and Gender: Discussions around LGBTQ+ inclusion, same-sex marriage, and gender identity continue to challenge traditional Christian teachings. Many denominations are re-examining their stances to balance doctrinal beliefs with calls for inclusivity.
- Environmental Stewardship: With growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, Christians are increasingly engaging in conversations about the biblical call to care for creation. This has led to a renewed focus on sustainable living and advocacy for environmental justice.
- Mental Health Awareness: The stigma surrounding mental health issues is being addressed within the church, prompting discussions on how faith communities can support individuals facing mental health challenges. This includes integrating professional care with spiritual support.
- Technology and Faith: The rise of digital platforms has transformed how Christians practice their faith, from online worship services to digital evangelism. This shift raises questions about the nature of community and the authenticity of virtual spiritual experiences.
- Social Justice and Activism: Issues such as racial reconciliation, economic inequality, and human rights are prompting Christians to reflect on the role of the church in advocating for justice and embodying Christ’s love in action.
- Religious Freedom and Persecution: Globally, Christians are facing varying degrees of persecution, leading to a heightened awareness and advocacy for religious freedom. This includes addressing challenges both abroad and within secular societies.
- Interfaith Relations: In an increasingly pluralistic world, Christians are engaging in dialogues with other faith traditions to promote mutual understanding, peace, and cooperation on common societal issues.

The People God uses
Make Yourself Available to God
Have you ever been asked to take on a task at church but felt inadequate—lacking the education, experience, or skills to do it? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us have felt the urge to tell God, “I’m not the right person for this.” Yet, the Lord often works through those the world considers unqualified, proving His power in the process.
God’s Unlikely Choices
God doesn’t seek the strongest, most talented, or most influential individuals to accomplish His work. Instead, He often uses ordinary people to fulfill extraordinary purposes. Why?
- To show the world its wisdom is foolishness. Accomplishing great things through those who seem weak or unimpressive reveals that true power comes from God, not human ability.
- To eliminate boasting. When God works through our weakness, it’s clear that the glory belongs to Him, not us. We have no power to save ourselves or to serve Him apart from His strength and guidance.
Biblical Examples of God Using the Unqualified
- Moses: When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses objected, claiming he wasn’t eloquent enough (Exodus 4:10-13). Yet God empowered him to confront Pharaoh and lead a nation to freedom.
- David: As a young shepherd with no experience in warfare, David faced the giant Goliath. Armed only with a sling and a stone, he triumphed—not through his own strength but through faith in God (1 Samuel 17:45-50).
God’s Call to You
God isn’t impressed by natural talent or worldly qualifications. He’s looking for humble, willing hearts that depend fully on Him. If you’re a believer, your age, experience, or perceived limitations don’t disqualify you from His work. The key is to make yourself available.
- Depend on Christ: Trust that His power is made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).
- Obey His call: Be willing to step out in faith, even when you feel unprepared.
- Surrender your abilities: Allow God to use what you have, no matter how small it seems, for His glory.
When you say yes to God, He equips and empowers you for the task He’s assigned. Don’t let fear or feelings of inadequacy hold you back. Remember, the Lord doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.
Make yourself available—and watch how God can use you to accomplish His purposes.

Servant of God
Who Is a Servant of God?
Ask the average churchgoer this question, and they will most likely point to their pastor or a well-known Christian leader. Rarely will they say, “We are God’s servants.” This reveals a common misconception within the church—that believers are divided into two groups: servants (those in full-time ministry) and laypeople. However, the Bible makes no such distinction. In Ephesians 2:10, Paul reminds us that all believers are saved to serve: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
Service Is a Response to Salvation
If gratitude for salvation were the only reason to serve God, it would still be more than enough. Through Jesus Christ, we are rescued from eternal torment and given the gift of eternal life, along with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Our service is a small acknowledgment of God’s immeasurable sacrifice—sending His Son to pay the sin debt we could never repay. Because of this, we have no right to withhold our gifts, talents, or time.
The Problem of Self-Centered Living
Unfortunately, many—including believers—live in service to the big “I.” What pleases “I”? What satisfies “I”? What is convenient for “I”? When a pastor calls for volunteers, many assume he is speaking to someone else, thinking, “I am too busy” or “I lack the necessary skills.” But here’s a sobering truth: when “I” is our master, we are committing “I”-dolatry. Anything that takes priority over God—including our selfish desires—is an idol.
Service Is Not Optional
God calls every believer to serve Him, not as an optional activity but as a divine mandate. Our lives are to be invested in things of eternal significance: the salvation of the lost and the discipleship of believers—all for His glory. Even if our contribution seems small or our abilities feel inadequate, we are vessels of Christ, each with a unique role in His kingdom.
Remember, God doesn’t require perfection or prominence; He desires faithfulness. Let us reject the lie that serving God is reserved for a select few and instead embrace our calling as His servants, using the gifts He has entrusted to us for His eternal purpose.

Peace Over Panic
I am, by nature, optimistic. Ask the people who know me best, and they’d all agree I tend to find the sunniest take on nearly everything, almost to the point of annoyance. But in this strange, uncertain season we are experiencing as the coronavirus ravages our communities and countries, I have been gripped, at various times, by palpable terror.
One night in particular, I read a dire, worst-case scenario projection right before I went to bed and found I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned and prayed all night, unable to find peace.
Academically, I know all the reassurances I’ve often given people in times like these. I can quote the psalms and other passages that speak of the goodness of God, His sovereignty, His power over creation. Still, fear sits in the doorway of my heart like an uninvited guest, refusing to grant peace entrance.
On some level, this is a perfectly natural response. A worldwide unstoppable pandemic is the kind of thing humans have feared since the beginning. In the Scriptures, plagues are often a part of God’s package of judgments against heathen nations or ways of chastening His own people. Faithful Bible students today avoid making those direct connections to what is happening now, but plagues are among the most severe kind of natural occurrences. And throughout history, we’ve read where pestilences wiped out entire civilizations. There is a reason we say “avoid it like the plague” about activities we hate. The dread of pandemics is a real and important fear.
And yet, there is a kind of catechesis going on—a way of teaching our hearts and minds—that is unhealthy. It’s a catechesis of calamity, where the constant input of bad news and negative updates slowly erodes our faith and trust in God. So how do we open our hearts again to faith in a time of uncertainty?
How do we open our hearts again to faith in a time of uncertainty?
I don’t think we should bury our heads in the sand and ignore the news. We need to be vigilant to keep up with the latest restrictions in our communities, and to be clear-eyed about decisions we must make as a family and as Christians. And yet if we are honest, much of our engagement with the news is driven by an inability to tear ourselves away. Several times in the last few weeks, my wife has told me, “You need to put that phone down. You are embedding unhealthy fear in your heart.” And she’s right. The truth is, while we are basically quarantined in our home, having our basic needs met and meaningful work to do, there is nothing we will miss by spending a few hours (or more) away from the news cycle. Vigilance doesn’t require hearing every press conference and reading up on every new development.
We are formed by our rhythms. And unconsciously we may be catechizing our souls toward despair, with the constant scrolling and droning of the news. This is not good for us in any moment, but especially in moments of crisis. Our minds and hearts and souls need to breathe—we were not made for constant negative input. So if you are like me, you need to release yourself from the burden of having to always be in the know and instead actively choose to rest in the all-knowingness of God.
If we are not careful, we’ll waste this time in isolation with constant worry, layering over our hearts with unbelief instead of allowing God’s Word to shape us. We can be disciplined by the news cycle, by social media, or by this crisis, rather than being fed by lasting spiritual food. If we really believe what we believe, now is the time to believe and practice it through frequent prayer, silence, and reading the Bible.
Reading the Bible more is especially helpful in times like this. We often pause over passages in Scripture that talk about God’s power and might—about Him being a refuge—and get inspired. But these texts really come alive in the midst of a crisis. This year I’ve been doing a read-thru-the-Bible plan, but it has only been in the last few weeks that the Psalms passages have risen up and given me peace in ways they never have before. The Word of God is water for a parched, weary, scared soul. Times of trial, uncertainty, and fear are not the moments to lean away from God, but the moments to lean toward Him—in every way we can.
We may be isolated in our homes, but we don’t have to be isolated from our communities. Technological mediums will never replace what we get from face-to-face, embodied fellowship, and we should never consider separation from friends and our local body of believers the norm. And yet, God has graciously allowed us to live in a time of technological advancement, where friends are a text or video call away. I’ve personally found great refreshment in an ongoing group text with four other close friends. What seemed kind of a frivolous luxury when we began four years ago is now a rich and vital blessing.
Times of trial, uncertainty, and fear are not the moments to lean away from God, but the moments to lean toward Him—in every way we can.
We might also use this time to connect with our immediate family. Being locked together in isolation can present its challenges, but it’s an opportunity to work on our most important relationships with greater intention and dependence on the Holy Spirit.
One of the perils of being home every day is how it seems to mess up the routines and rhythms that form so much of our daily lives. If you are struggling right now because you’ve lost employment, that can especially be true as you try to navigate both grief and a new way of doing life. And if you’re one of the people fortunate enough to work from home, the challenges of being in one place, day in and out, are often just as pronounced. For one thing, the days sort of bleed into each other—weekdays and weekends become indistinguishable. In our house, we had to homeschool, for now, so we had to adjust our daily system to accommodate. It was I who had to adjust and realize I should still take time off, step away from the laptop, put my phone down.
Crises have a way of convincing us that we aren’t allowed to care for our bodies—that we have to remain glued to the grim unfolding drama outside. But we don’t. It’s important, especially during times like this, to find space to rest, relax, enjoy leisure and, quite simply, breathe.
The other day my friend reminded me of a good way to think through a crisis—a principle that’s so basic it’s profound: There are things we can control, and things we cannot. It’s easy, of course, to nod in affirmation at such a familiar idea, but it’s much harder—some of us might say impossible—to live out. Especially when there’s a pandemic lurking in the streets.
It’s important, especially during times like this, to find space to rest, relax, enjoy leisure and, quite simply, breathe.
I can’t control coronavirus—I can’t control where it spreads or who gets it or what policies are being put in place. I’m not a doctor or scientist. I don’t even know what I don’t know. What I can control, however, is what God has put before me: following guidelines for social distancing, shepherding my family in faith, and doing the work I’ve been called to. Similarly, I can’t control the economic situation, but I can make wise choices, and I can give toward those in need.
My default behavior in a crisis is to neglect what’s in front of me in favor of needless worry and fear concerning those things over which I have no jurisdiction. That’s the opposite of faith. To trust God is to release our burdens and walk in obedience to Him. To be still in the places where we are powerless—and faithful where He has given us responsibility.
I don’t know how long this crisis will last—no one does. I don’t know when the virus will peak. I don’t have a clue on when we will be able to get back to normal, or what “normal” will mean when all of this is said and done. But I do know what is available to every believer: fresh grace for the day ahead.
I wish I could tell you that I practice these exercises of faith every day, but I often fail. I’m surprised at how fragile my soul can be in the face of crisis, how much I need God. But this—even this—is a good work of the Spirit in my heart. And in yours.

Christians in Lawenforcement
The role of Christians in military or police service has been a matter of considerable discussion, but the Bible provides guidance on this topic. In Romans 13:2-5, the Apostle Paul highlights the role of governing authorities as God’s ministers to uphold justice and restrain evil. Paul writes, “For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” This passage establishes the principle that law enforcement and military roles serve a divine purpose in maintaining order and protecting society.
The Need for Law and Order
As long as sin exists in the world, there will be a need for police and military forces to restrain evil and protect innocent lives. Without such structures, anarchy would prevail, leaving society vulnerable to crimes like murder, theft, and violence. Christians can, therefore, rightly engage in these professions to serve as protectors of the community, ensuring peace and safety.
Addressing Corruption and Oppression
However, history shows that governments and their forces can become instruments of oppression under corrupt leadership. In such cases, Christians are not obligated to serve or support unjust rulers. The Bible is clear that allegiance to God supersedes loyalty to any earthly authority. When government policies contradict God’s commands, Christians are called to obey God rather than men (see Acts 5:29).
War and the International Context
On the global stage, military forces are often necessary to counter the aggression of dictators or oppressive regimes. History has shown the devastation caused when unchecked leaders, like Hitler or Stalin, impose their will. In such situations, strong, righteous nations must take a stand to protect freedoms and prevent the spread of tyranny. While war is tragic, it is sometimes a necessary response to safeguard humanity against greater evils.
Conscientious Objection
There are Christians who, due to deeply held convictions, choose not to engage in combat or take a life, even in defense. Such individuals, often called conscientious objectors, have historically contributed in other meaningful ways, such as serving in non-combat roles. Their service demonstrates a commitment to doing good while honoring their beliefs. For example, during World War II, some conscientious objectors parachuted into remote areas to fight forest fires, risking their lives to aid others without violating their principles.
The Ultimate Hope: Christ’s Reign
Ultimately, the Christian hope is not in human governments or military might but in the reign of Jesus Christ. The Bible foretells a time when war and violence will cease. **Isaiah 2:4** and **Micah 4:3** describe a future where swords will be turned into plowshares, and nations will no longer train for war. This vision will become reality when Christ establishes His kingdom on earth, Satan is bound, and all people submit to God’s rule.
The Current Reality
Until that time, Christians must navigate the complexities of a sinful world. While striving for peace and justice, they may serve in roles that uphold order and protect the innocent. However, such service must always be guided by biblical principles and a commitment to righteousness. It is neither biblical nor practical to abandon these responsibilities in the face of unchecked evil, as doing so would leave society vulnerable to greater harm.
Christians engaged in military or police work must rely on God for wisdom, courage, and strength, knowing that their ultimate loyalty is to His kingdom, which will one day bring everlasting peace.

Discovering the Bible
Discovering the Bible: A Guide to Study and Teach the Bible is a comprehensive yet accessible resource designed to help individuals deepen their understanding of the Bible and effectively teach its timeless truths. Aimed at laypersons, new Bible study leaders, or anyone looking to enrich their personal journey with God’s Word, this guide offers a clear and engaging roadmap for navigating the complexities and beauty of Scripture.
The book outlines each book of the old testament, providing a brief overview, essential themes, and practical teaching ideas to make the Scriptures come alive in a relatable and engaging way. The primary goal is to equip readers with the tools and insights necessary to lead transformative Bible studies that inspire and challenge both the leader and the participants.
By demystifying the process of leading Bible studies, Discovering the Bible aims to empower believers to embrace their calling as teachers of God’s Word. Through this guide, readers will develop a more profound love for Scripture, a stronger faith, and the confidence to share the life-changing message of the Bible with others. Ultimately, this book serves as a helpful companion for anyone seeking to grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and develop their skills as Bible study leaders.

A Wonderful Woman
At times, I look back and ask God, “What have I done to deserve someone like you?” A beautiful wife, a friend, a soul mate. Today is your birthday, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. God has given me a treasure, and I will cherish you for as long as I live.
Over the years, I’ve seen what an amazing woman you are. You have nurtured our family and taken such good care of our home. I cannot imagine anyone else doing it the way you do. I can’t help but reflect on our wedding day—it felt like a void in my life was finally filled. That void was filled with unending love for you. Believe me, on that day, I knew my angel had arrived.
Sometimes, when I’m overwhelmed by the pressures of life, your hugs and warmth always make me feel at ease. Whenever I’m happy, you’re the first person I think of. No matter how I feel, I know you’re always there to understand me. Knowing you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Today is your birthday, and I pray that God continues to bless you as you serve in every aspect of your life. Happy birthday, babes. I will always love you.
Omar Newell

Is Sin the cause of Guilt?
Understanding Guilt: A Biblical Perspective
Why do we sometimes feel guilty? Guilt can serve as a powerful tool, prompting us to reflect on our actions or attitudes. Depending on the situation, this reflection can be beneficial or harmful. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all guilt stems from sin. Let’s explore this further.
True or False? All guilty feelings are due to sin.
The answer is FALSE. Guilt is not always a result of wrongdoing. At times, it may arise from a distorted view of God—believing that He is constantly scrutinizing our faults and ready to condemn us. This misunderstanding can lead to unnecessary guilt. The Apostle Paul reassures us in Romans 8:1, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” A Spirit-filled life, as described in Scripture, is meant to be marked by joy and peace, not constant condemnation.
When Guilt Is Helpful
Guilt can serve a positive purpose when it draws us closer to God, helping us recognize areas in need of repentance or change. For example, the Bible speaks of godly sorrow that leads to repentance (see 2 Corinthians 7:10). Such guilt is a prompt from the Holy Spirit to guide us back to the right path.
When Guilt Is Harmful
On the other hand, guilt becomes harmful when it arises from false beliefs or an inability to accept God’s forgiveness. Jesus’ ministry is a testament to His compassion for those burdened by guilt. Consider His response to:
- The crowds: Jesus was “moved with compassion” for them (Matthew 14:14).
- The widow: He comforted and restored her son to life (Luke 7:13).
- The leper: He touched and healed the man, demonstrating His willingness to make him clean (Mark 1:40-42).
- The tax collector: Jesus called Matthew to follow Him despite societal judgment (Matthew 9:9-12).
The Truth About God’s Love
If you’re carrying guilt, pause and ask: Is this guilt rooted in sin or in a misunderstanding of God’s love and grace? Accept the truth that God loves you deeply and unconditionally. His forgiveness is complete for those who repent, and He does not desire for you to live under the weight of false guilt.
Moving Forward
Allow guilt to be a tool that points you in the right direction. If it is rooted in sin, let it lead you to repentance. If it is false guilt, let it remind you of God’s abundant grace. His love, compassion, and forgiveness are constant, just as they were for those who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry. Let His truth set you free and fill your heart with peace and joy.
Adapted from the teachings of Omar Newell.